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DropZones Method


Returns a ChDropZone object. Use the properties of the returned object to format the drop zone.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a Chartspace object.

dz  Required ChartDropZonesEnum. Represents the drop zone that you want to format.


This example formats the button and the watermark of the series drop zone in Chartspace1.

Sub SetupDropZone()

    Dim dzSeriesDropZone
    Dim chConstants

    Set chConstants = Chartspace1.Constants

    ' Set a variable to the series drop zone in Chartspace1.
    Set dzSeriesDropZone = ChartSpace1.DropZones(chConstants.chDropZoneSeries)

    ' The next three lines of code format the button of the drop zone.
    dzSeriesDropZone.ButtonBorder.Weight = chConstants.owcLineWeightMedium
    dzSeriesDropZone.ButtonInterior.SetSolid "Red"
    dzSeriesDropZone.ButtonFont.Size = 14

    ' The next three lines of code format the watermark of the drop zone.
    dzSeriesDropZone.WatermarkBorder.Color = "Red"
    dzSeriesDropZone.WatermarkFont.Color = "Red"
    dzSeriesDropZone.WatermarkInterior.SetSolid "Green"

End Sub